Sutton Coldfield, B72 1LE

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 03.00 PM


What does Literacy look like at Holy Trinity Pre School?

Enjoying books and learning letters

Books, rhymes and stories play an important part in our setting.  Our cosy library area is somewhere for children to go to look at a book on their own, with their friends or with an adult.  We provide a range of different types of books from fact to fiction to wordless books where children are encouraged to use what they see in the pictures to tell the story themselves (an important skill for early reading).   Our older children help to tell stories themselves which are recorded and made into books for the library.

Mark Making

Messy play such as cornstarch and water or large scale painting enables children to practice mark making using their fingers or other media such as paintbrushes, cars or blocks.   While painting and drawing children may give meaning to their marks or pictures.  Adults annotate what the child says so they can see that writing can carry meaning. 

Starting Writing

When a child begins to show interest in writing, namecards are available on the writing table where they can begin to practice forming the letters of their name.   Adults support children to form lines and circles correctly and when they are able, to form any letters of their name correctly.

Fine Motor Control

Our writing table is stocked with children’s scissors and a variety of mark making equipment that children can access independently.  Adults help support children in holding pencils and scissors correctly and with control.


Our letter of the week follows the Government Letters and Sounds Programme so does not follow the alphabet sequence.   We encourage parents to help their child find something to bring into Pre-school beginning with the phonic sound of the letter of the week so we can show it during registration.   Our adult led phonics sessions for our older Green Bod children focus on the letter using fun stories and games.

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We Currently Have Spaces

We are able to offer a great degree of choice in the sessions that you would like your child to attend.  Please contact us to find out which sessions are currently available or to go on our waiting list.